What we offer:
Management Leasing Services: The most obvious and all-important factor in creating and maintaining value in apartment buildings is rental income. GT Property Management ’s expert leasing services are completely attuned to the various rental markets and sub-markets in Greater Los Angeles. At GT Property Management on site property managers are carefully trained in leasing techniques and work alongside leasing supervisors to maintain and increase the most desirable and advantageous kind of tenant occupancy. Through online and newspaper vacancy marketing, open house showings, careful tenant screening and selection, followed by thoroughly reviewed management protocols, GT Property Management obtains credit worthy, secure tenants, and property value enhancing lease rates.
Accounting Services: GT Property Management ’s state-of-the-art accounting services are client specific and comprehensive. Accounting specialists fluent in the most advanced property management software tailor the system to individual client requirements. Strong internal checks and balances assure accuracy, while simple all-inclusive reports assure client satisfaction. GT Property Management ’s accounting services include:
• Rent and Dues Collection
• Monthly Income and Expense Reports
• Rental delinquency stabilization
• Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Maintenance Services: GT Property Management ’s dedicated maintenance managers personally review each tenant maintenance request and respond immediately to ensure appropriate personnel are called to each job. Handling city inspections, insurance recommendations, and dealing with inspectors has become an in-house expertise as governments and insurance companies have become increasingly more involved in the management of this business. Unlike most property management companies, GT Property Management has its own skilled maintenance staff on hand to service properties under its supervision. These qualified individuals work hand in hand with management to achieve failsafe yet cost-effective solutions for any given maintenance issue. This level of service and familiarity with day-to-day maintenance issues directly contributes to tenant satisfaction, reduced operating costs, and project profitability.
Capital Improvements Management: Depending on the project at hand, capital improvements can simply contribute to property value through cash-flow increase, or create the very possibility for cash-flow though property rehabilitation. In any case, maintaining and enhancing the value of real property requires constant evaluation of its physical appearance and functionality. From daily property monitoring to project management, GT Property Management ’s experience in the field is apparent in every project it undertakes. By bidding multiple vendors familiar with the company, diligently managing quality, and strictly adhering to budgets and schedules, GT Property Management makes the most demanding capital improvements feasible and cost-effective.
For further information about our services, please feel free to call our office and ask to schedule an appointment for a free consultation regarding Property Management Services: (818) 222-5045